Toggle nemo

by kirby_33 | 7311 downloads

Shows or hides the last nemo window file manager (Fork of Toogle nautilus extension). Press Super+E This extension requires the Nemo file manager (tested with Nemo 2.4.4) Press Super+E is a toogle mode for nemo. Press Super+F1 run a new window instance for the "Documents" folder Press Super+F2 run a new window instance for the "Downloads" folder Press Super+F3 run a new window instance for the "Music" folder Press Super+F4 run a new window instance for the "Pictures" folder Press Super+F5 run a new window instance for the "Videos" folder If nemo does not start please try this: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons false


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