Review of "Movie Search provider for Synology®" version 1

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search provider for movie titles on Synology® NAS including offline search (yet to come)

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
14 Active
13 Active
12 Active
11 Rejected
10 Rejected
9 Active
8 Rejected
7 Rejected
6 Rejected
5 Rejected
4 Rejected
3 Rejected
2 Waiting for author
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

andyholmes waiting for author
Your extension doesn't seem to load properly, have you tested it locally? It seems to throw a string in `enable()` from line #172, where gnome-shell expects only `Error` to be thrown. Additionally the preferences dialog does not open, probably for a related reason. posted a review
Hi, now I've found some time to revisit. Sorry for bothering you guys and thanks a lot for review my stuff. Actually I guess due my missunderstanding the directory structure in zip file is flat, but zip needs to contain schema folder, since my extension needs preferences. Should I resend an update of the zip via "normal" page submit? THX again & Regards, Peter
andyholmes posted a review
Yes, you can just resubmit a corrected version using the same upload form.
andyholmes waiting for author posted a review
Hi, I modified line #172, but not yet uploaded. You are right. But still executing tests according to as well the local home installation of my extension (via simple copy) is successful. But allow me some questions: since my extension needs to have copy of xml into /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas (as standard and via root) and schema compilation, will the gnome browser plugin take care of this? Or will gnome browser plugin just merge the compiled file from my extension into one in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas? Anyway: am I correct with my understanding? Thanks a lot for your support!
andyholmes waiting for author
No, user extensions can't install files to the root file system. You need to compile the schema to `schemas/gschemas.compiled` in your extension folder, then use the function included in GNOME Shell: ```js const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; function enable () { _settings = ExtensionUtils.getSettings(SETTINGS_SCHEMA); } ``` These steps are described at: posted a review
Okay, I need to go through browser logs, since after installing zip manually extension works. I guess I am missing version extensionUtils.a0ed1319e656.js:60 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined at versionCompare (extensionUtils.a0ed1319e656.js:60) at getBestShellVersion (extensionUtils.a0ed1319e656.js:95) at Object.exports.grabProperExtensionVersion (extensionUtils.a0ed1319e656.js:137) at addExtensionSwitch (extensions.fe06408db96e.js:289) at extensions.fe06408db96e.js:537
andyholmes rejected
newer version approved