Review of "Shortcuts" version 7

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This shows a pop-up of useful keyboard shortcuts when Ctrl + Alt + Super + S is pressed (hotkey can be changed in settings)

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
48.0 (34) Active
48.0 (33) Inactive
47.2 (32) Inactive
47.2 (31) Inactive
47.1 (30) Inactive
47.1 (29) Inactive
47.1 (28) Inactive
47.0 (27) Inactive
46.1 (26) Active
46.0 (25) Inactive
45.0 (24) Inactive
23 Inactive
22 Inactive
21 Inactive
20 Inactive
19 Inactive
18 Rejected
17 Inactive
16 Rejected
15 Active
14 Inactive
13 Inactive
12 Rejected
11 Inactive
10 Inactive
9 Rejected
8 Rejected
7 Rejected
6 Inactive
5 Rejected
4 Inactive
3 Inactive
2 Inactive
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Rejected because you cannot create objects in init function. both in extension.js and prefs.js. Move those objects to enable() and buildPrefsWidget() functions: 2. Remove all .po, .pot and LINGUAS files: 3. Lang is a deprecated module. Please remove it for the next version (you need to remove shell-version older than 3.36 for that): Learn how to remove Lang from your code: 4. Use initTranslations() and getSettings() from ExtensionUtils instead of creating your own custom functions (3.36 and higher): You need to remove convenience.js after that. 5. Remove Mainloop import in extension.js since you are not using it. If you need any help with your extension you can ask us on: GNOME Matrix channel: IRC Bridge: irc://