Review of "WSM (Workspace Switcher Manager)" version 4

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Make the workspace switcher popup useful! Customize your workspace switcher behavior and the content, dimensions, position, orientation and colors of its popup indicator. - all GNOME workspace related options in one place - adds ws switcher Wraparoud and Ignore Last (empty) Workspace options - allows to disable or customize switcher popup - allows adding content to the workspace switcher popup - Workspace Name, Current Application Name, Workspace Index - ws switcher popup appearance customization includes position on screen, timings, size, colors , orientation

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
48.0 (17) Active
47.0 (16) Active
44.2 (15) Active
46.2 (14) Inactive
44.1 (13) Inactive
46.1 (12) Inactive
46.1 (11) Inactive
46.1 (10) Rejected
9 Active
8 Inactive
7 Inactive
6 Rejected
5 Rejected
4 Rejected
3 Inactive
2 Inactive
1 Inactive

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
The timeout in line 27 (settings.js) should be removed on disable and window close (prefs). And use `close-request` for prefs window since `destroy` doesn't work in GTK4.