Quick access to Docker and Docker Compose. Note: Don't forget to add your user to the docker group or you will have an authorization issue (https://gitlab.com/stickman_0x00/gnome_shell_extension_docker/-/issues/2).
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Version | Status |
35 | Active |
34 | Active |
33 | Active |
32 | Rejected |
31 | Active |
30 | Inactive |
29 | Active |
28 | Active |
27 | Inactive |
26 | Rejected |
25 | Rejected |
24 | Active |
23 | Inactive |
22 | Rejected |
21 | Active |
20 | Active |
19 | Active |
18 | Rejected |
17 | Active |
16 | Active |
15 | Inactive |
14 | Inactive |
13 | Inactive |
12 | Inactive |
11 | Inactive |
10 | Inactive |
9 | Inactive |
8 | Inactive |
7 | Inactive |
6 | Inactive |
5 | Inactive |
4 | Inactive |
3 | Rejected |
2 | Inactive |
1 | Rejected |
Do you really need to use `exec $SHELL` in lib/docker.js? I understand it's not sudo but It's better to not use user changeable variables in spawn commands.
I was using to start dynamically the type of the shell the user has. I was doing that so the terminal wouldn't close and the user not being able to see the output. I have trade it for a read instead to let the user close the window by choice.