Quick access to Docker and Docker Compose. Note: Don't forget to add your user to the docker group or you will have an authorization issue (https://gitlab.com/stickman_0x00/gnome_shell_extension_docker/-/issues/2).
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Version | Status |
35 | Active |
34 | Active |
33 | Active |
32 | Rejected |
31 | Active |
30 | Inactive |
29 | Active |
28 | Active |
27 | Inactive |
26 | Rejected |
25 | Rejected |
24 | Active |
23 | Inactive |
22 | Rejected |
21 | Active |
20 | Active |
19 | Active |
18 | Rejected |
17 | Active |
16 | Active |
15 | Inactive |
14 | Inactive |
13 | Inactive |
12 | Inactive |
11 | Inactive |
10 | Inactive |
9 | Inactive |
8 | Inactive |
7 | Inactive |
6 | Inactive |
5 | Inactive |
4 | Inactive |
3 | Rejected |
2 | Inactive |
1 | Rejected |
1. No need to use `this.initTranslation()` (line 13 `extension.js`, line 11 `prefs.js`): > Consider this method deprecated. > Only specify gettext-domain in metadata.json. > GNOME Shell can automatically initiate the translation for you > when it sees the gettext-domain key in metadata.json. [Port Guide 45: Extension Utils](https://gjs.guide/extensions/upgrading/gnome-shell-45.html#extensionutils) 2. Please don't store any instance of objects in a property in the default class you are exporting (line 16 `prefs.js`) since that won't allow the garbage collector do it's job after window close: [EGO Review Guidelines: Destroy](https://gjs.guide/extensions/review-guidelines/review-guidelines.html#destroy-all-objects) If you don't want to make it local to `fillPreferencesWindow()` function, you can clean up on: ```js window.connect('close-request', () => { this._settings = null; }); ```