Review of "fw-fanctrl" version 5

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Fan Control for Framework. This extension is not affiliated, funded, or in any way associated with Framework Computer.

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No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
6 Active
5 Rejected
4 Active
3 Rejected
2 Rejected
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

joaxap posted a review
* Icons changed for two modes (not representative of the speed mode) * Refresh period configurable via settings screen (1-600 seconds) * Notifications with icons
JustPerfection rejected
1. Please use a less generic name for the default class you are exporting (line 7 `prefs.js`). 2. Please remove the version from the import (line 1 `prefs.js`). 3. You already have the schema id in the `metadata.json`. No need to specify it in line 31 `extension.js`. 4. Also null out in disable: ```js this._settings = null; ``` [EGO Review Guidelines: Destroy](