Review of "Toggle Headphone" version 1

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Toggles between 2 pre-defined audio sources, labeled as 'headphone' and 'speaker'.

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6 Active
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3 Active
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Please remove unnecessary files: - `stylesheet.css` - `po/` [EGO Review Guidelines: unnecessary files]( 2. Also null out in disable: ```js this._mixerControlFacade = null; ``` [EGO Review Guidelines: Destroy]( 3. When you store instance of objects in the properties of the default class you are exporting, it won't let the garbage collector do its job (line 15-25 `prefs.js`). You have two options: 1. Make them local to the functions. 2. Null them out in the window close request: ```js window.connect('close-request', () => { this._settings = null; }); ``` 4. Move `lib/util/DebugHelper.js` to a `prefs` folder or find a solution to make it obvious for the reviewers to know that file is prefs only module. 5. Timeout should be removed on destroy (line 112, 144 `lib/MixerControlFacade.js`): [EGO Review Guidelines: Timeout](
JustPerfection posted a review
About #3: You can also move everything (other than `fillPreferencesWindow()`) to another class and only create the instance of that class in `fillPreferencesWindow()`. That's the better solution.
Blackeye posted a review
Commit: Fix for Reviewpoint 1,2,4 Commit: Fix for Reviewpoint 3 Commit: Fix for Reviewpoint 5 next version uploaded