Review of "Rounded Window Corners Reborn" version 5

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Add rounded corners to all windows. Fork of the now unmaintained Rounded Window Corners extension.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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12 Active
11 Active
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9 Active
8 Rejected
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6 Active
5 Rejected
4 Rejected
3 Active
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Please disconnect on disable (line 42, 102 `extension.js`): [Review Guidelines: Disconnect all signals]( 2. Line 103-105 `extension.js` should be happening on disable not on `this.connect('destroy',...`. 3. The `preferences/window_picker/` folder is running inside the shell process. I recommend to don't hold those modules in the `preferences` folder since that can misleading the reviewers.
flexagoon posted a review
Are you sure about number 2? It seems like this is something that should happen every time a window preview is destroyed, not just when the extension is disabled?
JustPerfection posted a review
Oh! I though you are using destroy signal for the `RoundedWindowCornersReborn` class. The transpile is removing all of the empty lines and that can be confusing for the reviewers. Please use empty lines between functions.
flexagoon posted a review
What about number 1 then? It disconnects automatically when the callback is executed, does it still have to be disconnected in disable()? > Please use empty lines between functions. This isn't something that the typescript compiler supports, unfortunately. I'll look into alternative typescript transpilers and try to switch to one that preserves empty lines.
JustPerfection posted a review
line 42 should be disconnected on disable.