Review of "Window List in Panel" version 1

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Display workspaces thumbnails and window list in the top panel. This unofficial extension is a fork of the official Classic Mode's Window List GNOME extension. Indicators in panel's left box will be moved to right box. Needs a session restart.

Extension Homepage

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
12 Active
11 Rejected
10 Rejected
9 Rejected
8 Rejected
7 Rejected
6 Rejected
5 Rejected
4 Rejected
3 Rejected
2 Rejected
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

fthx posted a review
Hi JP, After Dock from Dash, here is the task bar stolen from GNOME Shell Window List extension. ;-) There are some changes: put in top panel obviously, move date, change widget order (workspaces first) and tooltip position (below). Well the code is 95 % the same. I'll propose this for new Classic Mode to GNOME. ^_^ Thanks!
fthx auto- rejected
Auto-rejected because of new version 2 was uploaded