Simple net speed

by bijignom | 261868 downloads

Simply showing network speed. Left click to change modes: 1. Total net speed in bits per second 2. Total net speed in Bytes per second 3. Up & down speed in bits per second 4. Up & down speed in Bytes per second 5. Total of downloaded in Bytes (Right click to reset counter) Middle click to change font size

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Version Status Shell Versions
33 Active 45 46
32 Active 46
31 Active 45
30 Active 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42 43 44
29 Active 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42 43
28 Active 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42
27 Rejected 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42
26 Rejected 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42
25 Active 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41
24 Rejected 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41
23 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41
22 Rejected 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
21 Rejected 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
20 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32 3.36 3.38 3.40 3.42 3.44 3.46 3.48 3.50 3.52 3.54 3.56 3.58 3.60 3.62 3.64 3.66 3.68 3.70 3.72 3.74 3.76 3.78 3.80
19 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32
18 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32
17 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.32
16 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
15 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
14 Active 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
13 Inactive 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
12 Inactive 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
11 Inactive 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
10 Inactive 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
9 Inactive 3.14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28 3.30
8 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26
7 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26
6 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26
5 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26
4 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26
3 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24
2 Inactive 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24
1 Rejected 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24