Home Assistant Extension

by geoph | 12774 downloads

A simple gnome shell extension for Home Assistant. Check the README on github for additional help! Main points: - You need to provide the url of your hass, a long live access token obtained from your profile page (on your hass web instance) and the entity ids of the entities you want to have as togglable. - In order to add some local temperature/humidity sensor, you may also provide a temperature and/or a humidity entity id (which should match the corresponding ids of your hass instance).

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Version Status Shell Versions
25 Active 45 46 47
24 Active 45 46
23 Active 45
22 Active 43 44
21 Rejected 45
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9 Active 40 41 42
8 Rejected 40 41 42
7 Active 40 41 42
6 Active 40 41
5 Active 40
4 Inactive 40.0 40
3 Active 3.38
2 Inactive 40
1 Inactive 40.0 40