Workspace Grid

by zakkak | 176745 downloads

Workspace Grid is looking for a new maintainer! If interested please visit Till someone takes over and a new release is out you can try on Gnome 3.32 Arranges workspaces in a configurable grid. Also: * implements keybindings for left/right workspace navigation (up/down are already implemented) * updates workspaces sidebar with grid configuration (use Remove Workspaces Sidebar if you don't want it). You may also wish to consider instead of/with this extension: Workspace Matrix, Frippery Bottom Panel (already has workspace grid functionality if you want a bottom panel); Frippery Static Workspaces (holds the number of workspaces static and skips all the workspace grid stuff); Remove Workspaces Sidebar; Workspace Indicator Extension (textual indicator/workspace switcher); WorkspaceBar (graphical indicator/workspace switcher); Workspace navigator extension (use arrow keys to navigate workspaces in the Overview). See homepage for more details.

Extension Homepage

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Version Status Shell Versions
29 Active 3.28 3.30
28 Rejected 3.28
27 Active 3.28
26 Active 3.28
25 Rejected 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26 3.28
24 Active 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24 3.26
23 Active 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 3.24
22 Active 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22
21 Active 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22
20 Active 3.16 3.18 3.20
19 Active 3.16 3.18
18 Active 3.12 3.14
17 Rejected 3.16 3.18
16 Rejected 3.16 3.18
15 Active 3.16 3.18
14 Active 3.6
13 Active 3.8
12 Active 3.6
11 Active 3.4
10 Active 3.2
9 Active 3.6
8 Active 3.4
7 Active 3.2
6 Active 3.6
5 Active 3.4
4 Rejected 3.4
3 Rejected 3.2
2 Active 3.4
1 Active 3.2