One Window Wonderland

by jqno | 7263 downloads

Automatically maximizes new windows, leaving 'useless gaps' around them. Features: - Sizes and positions a new window so that it takes the full workspace, except for the gaps around it. - Sizes and positions a window that moves to another monitor so that it takes the full workspace, except for the gaps around it. - The size of the gaps is configurable. - You can define a list of apps that should be left alone by this extension (the 'ignore list'). - You can define a list of apps that should forcibly be kept in place (the 'force list'). Note that One Window Wonderland leaves windows alone after they've been created or moved to another monitor. You are free to resize them as you see fit, or add them to the force list to keep them in place.

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Version Status Shell Versions
14 Active 45 46 47
13 Active 45 46 47
12 Active 45 46
11 Active 45
10 Active 45
9 Active 43 44
8 Active 43 44
7 Active 43 44
6 Rejected 43 44
5 Active 43 44
4 Active 43 44
3 Active 43
2 Active 43
1 Rejected 43