OpenWeather Refined

by tealpenguin | 128901 downloads

Display weather for the current or a specified location. Fork of OpenWeather. Weather data is provided by or or If location is set to "My Location," which is the case by default on laptops, this extension will use location services and Nominatim (from, or if that failed.

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Version Status Shell Versions
139 Active 45 46 47
138 Active 45 46
137 Active 45 46
136 Active 45 46
135 Active 45 46
134 Active 45 46
133 Active 45 46
132 Active 45 46
131 Active 45
130 Active 45
129 Active 45
128 Active 45
127 Active 45
5 Rejected 45
4 Active 45
3 Rejected 45
2 Rejected 45
1 Rejected 45