VSCode Workspaces

by ZanzyTHEbar | 1079 downloads

A VSCode/Codium Workspace management tool-set for GNOME - This extension is not affiliated, funded, or in any way associated with Microsoft and vscode software.

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Version Status Shell Versions
13 Active 45 46 47 48
12 Rejected 45 46 47 48
11 Active 45 46 47 48
10 Inactive 45 46 47 48
9 Rejected 45 46 47 48 49
8 Inactive 45 46
7 Inactive 45 46
6 Rejected 45 46
5 Rejected 45 46
4 Rejected 45 46
3 Rejected 45 46
2 Rejected 45 46
1 Rejected 45 46