Review of "Touchpad Indicator" version 12

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Automatically disable other pointing devices when an external mouse is plugged in.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

nzjrs waiting for author
How about putting the configuration in gsettings and using the built in gnome-shell preferences stuff instead of having many settings in your extension?
orangeshirt posted a review
I think in gnome-shell 3.2 it is not possible to use gsettings for extensions. My extension should run under 3.2 too, because I'm still using it :-). In my first version I try to use gsettings and it turned out that I have more possibilities if I use a own system to store config. Otherwise the user has to extra install a gsettings schema that's not user friendly or my possibilities to store something are very limited. The second option was that i want to support trackpoints and in gesettings there is no value for trackpoint on or off. I hope that explain why I don't use gsettings.
Amanda active
Looks good.