Change the opacity of windows by compiz-style shortcut Alt+scroll. You can customize hotkey in Preference page if Alt key doesn't work.
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Version | Status |
13 | Active |
12 | Active |
11 | Active |
10 | Active |
9 | Rejected |
8 | Rejected |
7 | Active |
6 | Rejected |
5 | Rejected |
4 | Active |
3 | Active |
2 | Active |
1 | Active |
You can just delete the Tweener import, Shell versions higher than 3.38 no longer use Tweener.
Tweener import is commented but still there mainly for backward-compatibility purpose. I didn't find issue of lacking Tweener, but not sure whether old Gnome version still need it in some corner cases.