Review of "Tiling Assistant" version 17

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Expand GNOME's 2 column tiling and add a Windows-snap-assist-inspired popup...

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection waiting for author
While Prefs is working eventually, opening prefs leaves this error: Failed to set text '- dynamic tiling ('focus and tiling') - ctrl-dragging a window now also works for multiple windows (by dragging the window to the very edges of other windows/free screen rects) - inverse top screen edge action (by c-ridgway) - multi-monitor: the tile preview will stick to the old monitor when changing monitors for a short period to easier tile quickly on the old monitor (by c-ridgway) - default keybindings with the numpad for tiling (by c-ridgway) - dynamic numbers of layouts & layout selector - add 'User Guide' and 'Changelog' settings tab - other minor settings additions/removals/changes - refactor and minor bugfixes' from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 9: Entity did not end with a semicolon; most likely you used an ampersand character without intending to start an entity — escape ampersand as & Tested on Fedora 35. GNOME 40.0. You may need to fix it in the next version.
JustPerfection posted a review
Next version approved.
JustPerfection rejected
Next version approved.