Review of "Tiling Assistant" version 29

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Expand GNOME's 2 column tiling and add a Windows-snap-assist-inspired popup...

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection active
Good but you should null out the timeout id inside timeout callback when you return false or `GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE`. For example: ```js this._openAppTiledTimerId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 60000, () => { createId && global.display.disconnect(createId); createId = 0; firstFrameId && wActor.disconnect(firstFrameId); firstFrameId = 0; this._openAppTiledTimerId = 0; // <-- or null return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); ``` Otherwise, You will have warning in logs when you do `GLib.Source.remove(this._openAppTiledTimerId);` because the timeout id has been removed before but `this._openAppTiledTimerId` still has the timeout id. I approve this since it's just a warning. Please fix it for the next version.