Alphabetically order the app grid and folders
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Version | Status |
42 | Active |
41 | Active |
40 | Active |
39 | Active |
38 | Active |
37 | Rejected |
36 | Active |
35 | Active |
34 | Active |
33 | Active |
32 | Active |
31 | Active |
30 | Active |
29 | Active |
28 | Active |
27 | Active |
26 | Active |
25 | Active |
24 | Active |
23 | Active |
22 | Active |
21 | Active |
20 | Active |
19 | Active |
18 | Active |
17 | Active |
16 | Active |
15 | Active |
14 | Active |
13 | Active |
12 | Active |
11 | Active |
10 | Rejected |
9 | Active |
8 | Active |
7 | Active |
6 | Active |
5 | Active |
4 | Active |
3 | Active |
2 | Active |
1 | Rejected |
I approved this one since the code was there from older versions but line 118 (extension.js) should be removed in disable():
Ok, I'll have that fixed for the next version, thanks for pointing it out :D Does the fix differ at all from the linked page, as the function is called multiple times?
It will be removed from all of those if you remove the source on disable. Just remember to set null or 0 to the source id before `return` in the timeout block. For example: this._reorderGridTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 100, () => { AppDisplay._redisplay(); this._currentlyUpdating = false; this._reorderGridTimeoutId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); and on disconnectListeners() you can do this: if (this._reorderGridTimeoutId) { GLib.Source.remove(this._reorderGridTimeoutId); this._reorderGridTimeoutId = 0; }