Review of "Run or raise" version 20

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Launch or focus the window or define custom shortcuts in a text file

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
Please read version 19 review.
e2rd posted a review
Thanks for pointing out custom metadata.json values. However, the extension does not use the `log` function for debugging, not at all. It's just for reporting the errors the user needs to know about. The user would be confused if no error would be output. For example, if user tries to handle the shortcut `<Super><Alt>Up`, it fails because this is reserved for Activities window in newer version of Ubuntu. Lucklily, in such cases, the extension writes down `Run-or-raise> Unable to grab accelerator, <Super><Alt>Up` to the log. I've read through thoroughly. It states: "The log should only be used for important messages and errors." And this is true – only important errors are logged out (and always have been).
JustPerfection posted a review
Why don't you use `Main.notify()` instead? ```js const Main = imports.ui.main; Main.notify('Message Title', 'Message Body'); ```
e2rd posted a review
Ok, if you do not recommend using log for error messages, I'll re-submit with the Main.nofity.
JustPerfection posted a review
I can approve it if it's really necessary. but I mean if the end user should see the message when something goes wrong `Main.notify` is much better. Not all users think about `log` when the shortcut isn't working.
e2rd posted a review
You are right, I've been just too conservative. Thanks!