Review of "Bluetooth Quick Connect" version 28

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This extension allows paired Bluetooth devices to be connected and disconnected via the GNOME system menu, Shows battery status and more.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
You cannot create objects in global scope (line 25 extension.js). What legacy means in your code? GNOME 3.x?
bjarosze posted a review
Legacy means previous gnome-bluetooth API. Some linux distributions (like Ubuntu 22.04) uses Gnome 42, but old gnome-bluetooth API. Others (like Fedora 36) also uses Gnome 42, but new gnome-bluetooth API. So I cannot check Gnome version. Instead of that I check if new methods are defined in GnomeBluetooth.Client(). Do you have suggestion how I could achieve that differently?
bjarosze posted a review
Is checking GnomeBluetooth.Client.prototype.get_devices === undefined ok? Object will not be created.
JustPerfection posted a review
Yes that's ok because no object will be created. If you want to create objects: ```js function getBluetooth() { if (new GnomeBluetooth.Client().get_devices === undefined) { return Me.imports.bluetooth_legacy; } return Me.imports.bluetooth; } ``` Now you can do this in line 40: ```js this._controller = new getBluetooth().BluetoothController(); ```