Review of "Show Desktop Button" version 3

Details Page Preview

Places a button to the left(default) of the App Menu to hide all windows, and the Overview if active, and show the current desktop. Panel location can be changed via prefs. The visible icon changes when you have toggled hiding/showing of the desktop. Can now be controlled via space/keyboard as well, when hovered, this can be achieved with ctrl/alt/tab/panel/arrows/space or enter. Eventually actual keybinding will happen(v22??). *icon credit madkristoff(thanks, this is _still_ the only icon created and submitted!)* (credit:madkristoff, jonnius, mbokil, simonthechipmunk, MGSE, erguille, mikechaberski, mathematicalcoffee, asan, spinus, Xes, gcampax, magcius). v21: cleanup v20 store toggle mode when panel location changed remove st.bin fix settings leak this is stable now! v20 Huge release lots of cleanup, now works with space or enter when hovered, also restores focus to last focused window. v19 localized thanks to jonnius, icon now toggles modes to indicate status of windows. v18 stylesheet removed, now uses system style, more cleanup & notations. v17 placement option returns, left right or center only for now. todo: icon setting, keybinding, better pleacement

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
21 Active
20 Rejected
19 Inactive
18 Active
17 Active
16 Active
15 Active
14 Active
13 Rejected
12 Active
11 Active
10 Active
9 Active
8 Inactive
7 Active
6 Rejected
5 Inactive
4 Active
3 Active
2 Active
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
It seems the same thing happened here as well. Did you see any errors when uploading this version? What were they?
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
blah blah blah
l300lvl posted a review
No, this one gave no errors of any kind, it went as expected, and even allowed me to download the zip file from the server, whereas does not work. is the last edit I made if you want to review it?
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
OK, I figured out what went wrong. Approved.
l300lvl posted a review
I hope it wasn't anything on my end?
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
Nope, the bug was that the previous upload confused the review page.
l300lvl posted a review
If it isn't too much can you update the home page link for this extension, to Gratz & Happy Holidays!
Jasper St. Pierre posted a review
You can edit the URL yourself by clicking on it on your extension page.
l300lvl posted a review
That was tricky, but thank you, I figured it out.