Review of "No Title Bar" version 3

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No Title Bar removes the title bar, moves the window title and buttons to the top panel. Wayland support: from version 7, titlebars are also hidden for Wayland-native clients that don't use CSD. Some of the options may be incompatible with this. For issues on Wayland please visit github! This extension depends on some Xorg utilities. To install them: ⚫ Debian/Ubuntu: apt install x11-utils ⚫ Fedora/RHEL: dnf install xorg-x11-utils ⚫ Arch: pacman -S xorg-xprop

Extension Homepage

No comments.

Diff Against


Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
9 Active
8 Active
7 Inactive
6 Active
5 Active
4 Rejected
3 Active
2 Rejected
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

franglais125 posted a review
v3: - Added more options to the location of the window control buttons (on the top bar). - Added another theme for buttons. - Fixed some text in the schemas.
Meng Zhuo active