Kitchen Timer

by steeve.mccauley | 7626 downloads

General purpose timer extension for Gnome Shell Please report issues on github If updating the extension reports an ERROR, it should work after the next reboot or if you logout and login again.

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Version Status Shell Versions
28 Active 3.36 3.38 40
27 Active 3.36 3.38 40
26 Active 3.36 3.38 40
25 Inactive 3.36 3.38 40
24 Active 3.36 3.38 40
23 Active 40
22 Active 3.36 3.38
21 Inactive 40
20 Active 40
19 Active 3.36 3.38
18 Active 3.36 3.38
17 Active 3.36 3.38
16 Active 3.36 3.38
15 Rejected 3.36 3.38
14 Active 3.36 3.38
13 Active 3.36 3.38
12 Rejected 3.36 3.38
11 Rejected 3.36 3.38
10 Active 3.38
9 Rejected 3.38
8 Active 3.38
7 Active 3.38
6 Rejected 3.38
5 Active 3.38
4 Rejected 3.38
3 Rejected 3.38
2 Rejected 3.38
1 Active 3.38