
by ZappeL | 37450 downloads

supergfxctl-gex is a gnome extension for supergfxctl (

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Version Status Shell Versions
33 Active 45
32 Rejected 45
31 Rejected 43 44 45
30 Active 43 44
29 Inactive 43 44
28 Inactive 43 44
27 Rejected 43 44
26 Inactive 43 44
25 Inactive 43 44
24 Inactive 43
23 Rejected 43
22 Active 40 41 42
21 Inactive 43
20 Rejected 43
19 Rejected 43
18 Inactive 40 41 42
17 Inactive 43
16 Inactive 43
15 Inactive 43
14 Inactive 40 41 42
13 Inactive 43
12 Inactive 40 41 42
11 Inactive 43
10 Inactive 40 41 42
9 Inactive 40 41 42
8 Inactive 40 41 42
7 Inactive 43
6 Inactive 40 41 42
5 Inactive 40 41 42
4 Inactive 43
3 Rejected 40 41 42
2 Inactive 40 41 42 43
1 Inactive 40 41 42 43