Review of "supergfxctl-gex" version 29

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supergfxctl-gex is a gnome extension for supergfxctl (

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Previous Reviews on this Version

ZappeL posted a review
Update (v28 -> v29): I've fully refactored the extension and added some "structure" to it. Techinically not much has changed, except I respecetd the last recommendations from your side (like using misc.utils for command spawning and some more spaces before methods, etc - we're still using tsc for compilation so this is a tricky thing). Original source(if needed):
JustPerfection active
Thanks! btw, since you're using 43 and 44, you can use optional chaining. For example: ```js if (this.quickToggles !== null) { this.quickToggles.disable(); } this.quickToggles = null; ``` Can be: ```js this.quickToggles?.disable(); this.quickToggles = null; ```
ZappeL posted a review
Haha yes, overseen to adjust.. (nullable-pattern is well-known) I'll correct that with the next release, was kinda in a hurry to get that updatedet! As always, many thanks for your kind support!