supergfxctl-gex is a gnome extension for supergfxctl (
Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.
Version | Status |
33 | Active |
32 | Rejected |
31 | Rejected |
30 | Active |
29 | Inactive |
28 | Inactive |
27 | Rejected |
26 | Inactive |
25 | Inactive |
24 | Inactive |
23 | Rejected |
22 | Active |
21 | Inactive |
20 | Rejected |
19 | Rejected |
18 | Inactive |
17 | Inactive |
16 | Inactive |
15 | Inactive |
14 | Inactive |
13 | Inactive |
12 | Inactive |
11 | Inactive |
10 | Inactive |
9 | Inactive |
8 | Inactive |
7 | Inactive |
6 | Inactive |
5 | Inactive |
4 | Inactive |
3 | Rejected |
2 | Inactive |
1 | Inactive |
Fixes/Changes: - GS45 support (this build does NOT support older GS versions) - Unifyied messages (gettext is still a todo) - DBus async/await implementation - Chained(async) initialization of DBus - Disable the extension in case of DBus error Please ignore the v31 upload, as I added the wrong shell-versions to it. this one is corrected to be GS45 only.
1. It's better to remove the `idle_add()` source on disable too (line 21 extension.js). 2. Please remove the `init()` function. Not needed anymore (line 60 extension.js). 3. Don't use `super.path`. use `this.path` instead (line 31 and 39 extension.js). 4. We have `console.*` variants that you can use (instead of modules/log.js): 5. Use `textdecoder()` instead of `byteArray` (line 13 helpers/resource_helpers.js):
Thanks for the review! I'm currently fixing those leftovers right now, but I need some info about: "It's better to remove the `idle_add()` source on disable too (line 21 extension.js)." - how do I do that? Is there an example available?
The same you do for `timeout_add()`: We're not that strict about `idle_add()` but it is some kind of timeout after all.
Sure, I'll follow your guidence! :-) Thanks for the info.
Okay, last question - then everything should be sorted out.. Concerning the "TextDecoder", how do I import the correct type for it or is it "just available" wihout the need of an import?
```js // legacy const ByteArray = imports.byteArray; let prepare = (out instanceof Uint8Array) ? ByteArray.toString(out) : out.toString(); // new let decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); let prepare = decoder.decode(out); ```