Review of "supergfxctl-gex" version 23

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supergfxctl-gex is a gnome extension for supergfxctl (

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

Marco Laux posted a review
this is identical to the version before the previous but I would like to have this the latest as users who upgrade from GS42 need to get auto-updates to this one.
JustPerfection waiting for author
Where do you set `this.timeoutPollerGpuPower` in `modules/panel43.js`?
Marco Laux posted a review
It looks like I uploaded a wrong build. Please ignore this one.
Marco Laux posted a review
oh by the way I can see the review process of other extensions that don't belong to me (/review). There were some hickups with the site yesterday. Could this have something to do with it?
JustPerfection rejected
The review page is showing the queue of extensions waiting for review. So other extensions can be listed there.