Wallpaper Slideshow

by andrew_z | 32131 downloads

Wallpaper slideshow extension. Optionally downloads BING wallpaper of the day. When first installing, make sure to set your slideshow directory in the settings. Right click on your desktop for easy access to Wallpaper Slideshow settings or to jump to the next background in queue. The extension will detect all images in the user defined slideshow directory, randomize the order, and start a slideshow at an interval of your choice. Any file changes, additions, or deletions in the directory will be detected and the slideshow queue will update accordingly. Slideshow queue is preserved upon shutdown and will pick up from where it left off.

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Version Status Shell Versions
10 Active 45 46 47
9 Active 45 46
8 Active 45 46
7 Active 43 44
6 Active 45
5 Rejected 43 44
4 Active 45
3 Active 43 44
2 Active 45
1 Active 43 44