Review of "Jiggle" version 9

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Jiggle is a Gnome Shell extension that highlights the cursor position when the mouse is moved rapidly.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
9 Rejected
8 Active
7 Active
6 Inactive
5 Inactive
4 Rejected
3 Inactive
2 Inactive
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. `Tweener` is a deprecated module. Please remove it for the next version. You can use `ease()` instead (supported on 3.36 and higher). For example: ```js widget.ease({ x: newX, y: 10, opacity: 100, duration: 2000, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE, onComplete: () => { log('Animation is finished'); } }); ``` More about animation mode: 2. Don't create objects in global scope (line 130 prefs.js). Create gsettings object inside `PrefsWidget`. 3. What's the reason for disabling extension in init? (line 113 extension.js). You shouldn't need that. 4. enable and disable function shouldn't throw like that. Please remove those try catch block. 5. Where do you remove those timeouts you are adding in enable? If you need any help with your extension you can ask us on: - [GNOME Matrix Channel]( - IRC Bridge: irc://