Review of "Snowy" version 19

Details Page Preview

Let it snow! - GNOME 46 support - Multiple monitors support - GUI preferences - Animation configuration - Fully customizable appearance

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No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

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24 Active
23 Active
22 Active
21 Active
20 Rejected
19 Rejected
18 Rejected
17 Rejected
16 Active
15 Active
14 Active
13 Rejected
12 Active
11 Inactive
10 Inactive
9 Rejected
8 Rejected
7 Active
6 Inactive
5 Inactive
4 Inactive
3 Rejected
2 Inactive
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
The remove should be before line 11 (js/utils.js). but the way you are doing it can create confusion for reviewers. I recommend to remove `setInterval()` from `js/utils.js` and just replace line 69 `js/manager.js` with: ```js this.timerId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, delayFunc(), () => { snowFunc() return (!endFunc()) ? GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE : GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE }) ```
Artem Prokop waiting for author
Well, if you find it confusing - it should be really unreadable, I'll try to find a way to fix it. The example you provided won't work because it will call `delayFunc()` only once and subsequent timeouts will have a delay calculated for the first call. I need a dynamic timeout, e.g. first delay = 10ms, second delay = 20ms, etc. This is why I'm re-creating timeouts. I think that I will bring my old solution (the one you sent) back and setup a listener for a preferences change and when interval changes I'll re-create it. Thanks for your time & help ❤️
Artem Prokop auto- rejected
Auto-rejected because of new version 20 was uploaded