Review of "Tiling Shell" version 14.1 (35)

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Extend Gnome Shell with advanced tiling window management. Supports multiple monitors, Windows 11 Snap Assistant, Fancy Zones, automatic tiling, keyboard shortcuts, customised tiling layouts and more!

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
16.1 (48) Active
16.1 (47) Active
16.0 (46) Inactive
16.0 (45) Inactive
16.0 (44) Active
15.1 (43) Active
15.1 (42) Active
15.1 (41) Rejected
15.0 (40) Active
15.0 (39) Active
15.0 (38) Rejected
14.1 (37) Active
14.1 (36) Active
14.1 (35) Rejected
14 (34) Active
14 (33) Active
14 (32) Inactive
14 (31) Rejected
13.1 (30) Active
13.1 (29) Active
13.0 (28) Active
13.0 (27) Active
12.2 (26) Active
12.2 (25) Active
12.1 (24) Active
12.1 (23) Active
12 (22) Active
12 (21) Active
12 (20) Inactive
12 (19) Inactive
11.1 (18) Active
11.1 (17) Active
11 (16) Active
11 (15) Active
11 (14) Rejected
10.0 (13) Active
10.0 (12) Active
9.1 (11) Active
9.1 (10) Active
9.0 (9) Active
9.0 (8) Active
8.0 (7) Active
8.0 (6) Active
5 Active
4 Active
3 Rejected
2 Inactive
1 Rejected

Previous Reviews on this Version

domferr posted a review
Hello! My build system has to pack the extension starting from typescript and, due to some limitations to esbuild, it was importing GI stuff multiple times, creating duplicates (e.g Meta1, Meta2 and so on). This was causing long diffs here in I worked on bypassing such esbuild limitations and this update is to simplify your review process and future reviews. It's not perfect and I'll improve this in the future. Hope it works and makes your future reviews easier!
JustPerfection rejected
Thanks! Yes, that can minimize the diff for future updates. Line 177-181 `extension.js` seems to be a wrong import from `prefs.js` file. You cannot import `Gdk` to the GNOME Shell process (line 181 `extension.js`): [EGO Review Guidelines: import](