Adjust Display Brightness

by MaintainerWanted | 22639 downloads

Simple GNOME extension to control displays' brightness via DDC. It requires ddcutil to be installed, I2C permissions for non-root users configured.

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Version Status Shell Versions
28 Rejected 45
27 Active 3.36 40 41 42 43 44
26 Inactive 3.36 40 41 42 43
25 Inactive 3.36 40 41 42 43
24 Inactive 3.36 40 41 42 43
23 Inactive 3.36 40 41 42
22 Inactive 3.36 40 41 42
21 Inactive 3.36 40 41 42
20 Inactive 3.36 40 41
19 Inactive 3.36 40
18 Inactive 3.36 40
17 Inactive 3.36 40
16 Inactive 3.36 40
15 Inactive 3.36 40
14 Inactive 3.36 40
13 Inactive 3.36 40
12 Inactive 3.36 40
11 Inactive 3.36 40
10 Inactive 3.36 40
9 Inactive 3.36 40
8 Inactive 3.36 40
7 Rejected 3.36 40
6 Rejected 3.36 40
5 Inactive 3.36 40
4 Inactive 3.36 40
3 Inactive 3.36.1 40.5
2 Inactive 3.36.1
1 Rejected 3.36.1