Review of "Unite" version 2

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Unite is a GNOME Shell extension which makes a few layout tweaks to the top panel and removes window decorations to make it look like Ubuntu Unity Shell. - Adds window buttons to the top panel for maximized windows. - Shows current window title in the app menu for maximized windows. - Removes titlebars on maximized windows. - Hides window controls on maximized windows with headerbars. - Moves the date to the right, reduces panel spacing and removes dropdown arrows. - Moves legacy tray icons to the top panel. - Moves notifications to the right. - Hides activities button. - Adds desktop name to the top panel. This extension depends on some Xorg utilities. To install them: - Debian/Ubuntu: apt install x11-utils - Fedora/RHEL: dnf install xprop - Fedora Silverblue: rpm-ostree install xprop - Arch: pacman -S xorg-xprop *Settings are provided to enable/disable or customize the available tweaks. * Since version 2 applications on wayland with client side decorations are supported using CSS.

Extension Homepage

No comments.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

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1 Active

Previous Reviews on this Version

maweki waiting for author
Are you loading the theme both on enabling and disabling?
hardpixel posted a review
Hi, Yes I'm loading the theme on disable because styles were not being removed on disable. Example: When enabling the extension, the activities button is replaced with a 3 dots image. When the extension is disabled, the 3 dots image remains but when you hover the activities button it shows the 'Activities' text. Should I remove the theme loading on disable?
maweki waiting for author
I am not trying the extensions out. I am reviewing based on what code I see. It looked strange, that's why I asked. The behaviour should be so that enabling and then disabling any extension should bring the shell back in exactly the same state as it was. There should be no timer, no object, no added style etc. sticking around after disabling (and without restarting). Is this what's happening?
hardpixel posted a review
Yes, disabling the extension brings the shell back in exactly the same state as it was. The only thing that I cannot revert is the custom gtk styles that are injected in gtk windows for compatibility with wayland (by appending a css import in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css, which is removed on disable). Those styles are removed only when you close the window and reopen it. I tried using Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(), Gtk.StyleContext.remove_provider_for_screen() and Gtk.StyleContext.reset_widgets() but it did not work, so I used the solution I mentioned above. Is this a problem? If I remove this part of the extension it will not work on wayland.
maweki active
I approve it but I don't like it when extensions change files in a rather unpredictable manner. Please continue to look into alternatives.