Gnome 4x UI Improvements

by AXP | 304291 downloads

Tunes gnome 4x Overview UI to make it more usable. Changes: - Search textbox is hidden by default and shown only when user begins to type-to-search - Scale of workspaces' thumbnails increased 2x - Restores wallpaper on workspaces' thumbnails. No more gray background - Show workspaces' thumbnails even when there is only one workspace - Firefox's PIP (picture in picture) window is now displayed on the overview screen All modifications can be disabled in the extension's settings. ATTENTION! After extension update, gnome-shell restart is required: X11: Alt+F2 => r Wayland: logout => login

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Version Status Shell Versions
23 Active 45 46 47
22 Rejected 45 46 47
21 Inactive 45 46
20 Inactive 45
19 Active 42 43 44
18 Rejected 42 43 44 45
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15 Inactive 42 43
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11 Inactive 40 41 42
10 Inactive 40 41 42
9 Inactive 40 41 42
8 Inactive 40 41 42
7 Inactive 40 41
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2 Inactive 40
1 Inactive 40