Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off Button
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Version | Status |
60 | Active |
59 | Rejected |
58 | Active |
57 | Inactive |
56 | Active |
55 | Rejected |
54 | Active |
53 | Active |
52 | Active |
51 | Inactive |
50 | Inactive |
49 | Rejected |
48 | Rejected |
47 | Rejected |
46 | Inactive |
45 | Rejected |
44 | Rejected |
43 | Active |
42 | Rejected |
41 | Inactive |
40 | Inactive |
39 | Inactive |
38 | Rejected |
37 | Active |
36 | Inactive |
35 | Inactive |
34 | Inactive |
33 | Rejected |
32 | Inactive |
31 | Rejected |
30 | Inactive |
29 | Active |
28 | Inactive |
27 | Inactive |
26 | Inactive |
25 | Rejected |
24 | Inactive |
23 | Inactive |
22 | Inactive |
21 | Inactive |
20 | Rejected |
19 | Inactive |
18 | Inactive |
17 | Inactive |
16 | Inactive |
15 | Inactive |
14 | Rejected |
13 | Inactive |
12 | Inactive |
11 | Inactive |
10 | Inactive |
9 | Inactive |
8 | Inactive |
7 | Inactive |
6 | Rejected |
5 | Inactive |
4 | Inactive |
3 | Inactive |
2 | Rejected |
1 | Inactive |
1. Remove the timeouts in the same class you are creating it. Inside `SyncLabel` create a `destroy()` method and remove those timeouts here. You should also call `SyncLabel.destroy()` for each instance in `BringoutMenu._destroy()`. 2. Move line 33 (extension.js) to the end of disable. Because those objects using that and you should null that out after you destroy those objects. 3. #2 from version 44 review hasn't been addressed here.
Hi @JustPerfection, point no 3 above, "#2 from version 44 review has not been addressed here." You mean I did not do anything about it. I tried it in this way. BringoutMenu.js line 106 actionButtons = this._actionItems.get_children(); line 107 actionButtons.forEach(button => { if (button.accessible_name) { const callSync = new SyncLabel(button); // stack St label widget from Line 12 of LabelLauncher.js to remove in _destroy() this._labelLaunchers.push(callSync._toolTip.label); button._handlerId = button.connect('notify::hover', () => { callSync._syncLabel(); }); } }); } line 121 _destroy() { // refer to line 108 above this._labelLaunchers.forEach(launcher => { if (launcher) { Main.layoutManager.removeChrome(launcher); launcher.destroy(); launcher = null; } line 129 }); I think I cant progress it further without experts help, can you have some time for me to guide on these points via a video call or support me in gnome discourse please?
To fix that, create `LabelLauncher.destroy()` and then do this in `destroy()`: ```js Main.layoutManager.removeChrome(this.label); this.label = null; ```
btw, you can always ask questions in GNOME Extensions Matrix Channel: - [GNOME Matrix Channel]( - IRC Bridge: irc://