Review of "gNordVPN-Local" version 21

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A Gnome extension that shows the NordVPN status in the top bar and provides the ability to configure certain aspects of the connection.

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Note: Binary files aren't shown on the web site. To see all files, please download the extension zipfile.

All Versions

Version Status
29 Active
28 Active
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24 Rejected
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22 Rejected
21 Active
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19 Rejected
18 Rejected
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7 Rejected
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3 Rejected
2 Active
1 Active

Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection active
`this.` should be used in methods not pure functions. Please fix them for the next version.
Isopolito posted a review
Hi Just Perfection, thanks for reviewing this. There were major refactors in this release, so it's quite possible the 'this.' instances you're referring to are an artifact of that. I've been looking though and don't find any cases where it's being used outside the scope of a class. Do you have any specific examples? Those are bugs that can cause problems so I want to fix them ASAP. There's small follow up set of changes I plan on doing next that I can include this work in. Thanks,
JustPerfection posted a review
Sorry for not mentioning the file. Search for `this.` in prefs.js.
Isopolito posted a review
ahh I see it, thanks for the heads up. I'll get that fixed soon