Review of "Eruption Profile Switcher" version 36

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Runtime Profile switcher for the Eruption Realtime RGB LED Driver for Linux

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. Please remove the version from import since that has been specified in the parent module (line 22-23 prefs.js). 2. No need to use `this.initTranslation()`: > Consider this method deprecated. > Only specify gettext-domain in metadata.json. > GNOME Shell can automatically initiate the translation for you > when it sees the gettext-domain key in metadata.json. 3. Just pass the settings from the entry point instead of creating it again (line 62 and 106 prefs.js). 4. You don't need to use the schema id for `this.getSettings()` when it is specified in the `metadata.json`: