Review of "Light Dict" version 2

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Lightweight extension for on-the-fly manipulation to primary selections, especially optimized for Dictionary lookups For support, please report any issues via the homepage link below.

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andyholmes active
I would strongly recommend you use `Gio.Subprocess` instead of `GLib.spawn_async_with_pipes()`, as it is much safer in language bindings like GJS.
grroot posted a review
Thanks! Andy, I change the GLib.spwan to Gio.Subprocess and it works, but I am not sure it's right way or not, here is the new version of _lookUp(): _lookUp(text) { try { let rcmd = this._dcommand.split('LDWORD').join(GLib.shell_quote(text)); let proc = new Gio.Subprocess({ argv: ['/bin/bash', '-c', rcmd], flags: (Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDERR_PIPE), }); proc.init(null); let that = this, lines = [], line, read = (() => { return function read_all(stream, exit) { stream.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, null, (source, res) => { if((line = source.read_line_finish(res)) !== null && line[0] !== null) { lines.push(ByteArray.toString(line[0])); read_all(source, exit); } else { // some code here } else { if(!exit) return; read_all(new Gio.DataInputStream({base_stream: proc.get_stderr_pipe()}), false); } } }); } })(); read(new Gio.DataInputStream({base_stream: proc.get_stdout_pipe()}), true); } catch (e) { Main.notifyError(APPNAME, e.message); } } Any comments?
andyholmes posted a review
That looks pretty good. I think it would be easier to use `Gio.Subprocess.communicate_utf8_async()`. It will return a utf8 string and read all the output before returning from the thread: ``` // proc setup proc.communicate_utf8_async(null, null, (proc, res) => { try { let [_, stdout, stderr] = proc.communicate_utf8_finish(proc, res); // the program exited with an error if (proc.get_exit_code() !== 0) { log(stderr); return; } // the program exited without error log(stdout); } catch (e) { // the program failed to execute at all Main.notifyError(APPNAME, e.message); } }); ```
grroot posted a review
Thanks, it looks much more intuitional and neater now.