Review of "Coverflow Alt-Tab" version 66

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Replacement of Alt-Tab, iterates through windows in a cover-flow manner.

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Previous Reviews on this Version

JustPerfection rejected
1. `Extension.lookupByUUID()` is a bad practice. You should use `this.getSettings()` in the entry point and pass it to the class instances (dependency injection). 2. No reason to create custom `getSettings()` function, when you have `this.getSettings()` in the entry point (line 97 platform.js). 3. Don't use `var`. Use `let` and `const` instead. Use `export class` when you want to export class. 4. No need to use `this.initTranslation()` (133 prefs.js): > Consider this method deprecated. > Only specify gettext-domain in metadata.json. > GNOME Shell can automatically initiate the translation for you > when it sees the gettext-domain key in metadata.json. 5. Use `GLib.timeout_add_...` instead of `Mainloop`. 6. You made the destroy process hard to review (line 1058 switcher.js). and just for that I cannot tell the timeout (line 106 and 947) always get removed on destroy.