Review of "Forge" version 76

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Tiling and window manager for GNOME Please report bugs/issues on

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Previous Reviews on this Version

forge-ext posted a review
Added session-mode unlock-dialog - and referenced the recommended pattern from GJS docs. For this extension, the tree data structure needs to be persisted in memory during lock screen. Otherwise, users need to re-arrange their windows every single time it locks.
JustPerfection waiting for author
Ok but, `unlock-dialog` doesn't mean the extension won't get disabled. When users lock the screen: 1. All extensions get disabled to rebase (including extensions with `unlock-dialog`). 2. Extensions with `unlock-dialog` get enabled. Is that what you want?
forge-ext posted a review
Based on my testing - when the screen gets locked, it only ran the remove indicator and disable keybindings functions. The windows had been preserved. So I think it is working correctly? When logging out or disabling in Extensions Manager it is complete disabled. Based on the GJS docs: Like standard extensions, the extension will be enabled when the user logs in and logs out, but won't be disabled when the screen locks. I followed the review guidelines to implement:
JustPerfection rejected
You shouldn't monitor the session mode changes. Instead, you shouldn't add indicator and key bindings on `enable()` (when session mode is `unlock-dialog`). Anyway, I don't think this is a good approach for what you wanna achieve. The `unlock-dialog` has been introduced for extensions modifying unlock dialog. when you use `unlock-dialog` in session modes, it means: **the extension will be disabled and then re-enabled in lock.**